Hey Guys! This post will be a bit different of the rest, it’s just an update with my last recent works on GitHub and sharing some interesting readings I’ve done. Some time ago since I updated, I uploaded these days some of the work I’ve done on github (some scripts and puppet modules), some of them It was done since some time ago, so It was some recollect of work I did and share it as usually, so it may be useful by someone else. Of course are very welcome proposals for improvements in any of the projects and new ideas as well šŸ™‚

    • New repo sysadmin-scriptsĀ : In this repo I added some already existing scripts I had in other repositories (linked as submodules) and uploaded others that I didn’t upload yet. I decided to create this repo to recollect some useful scripts that I use and are very useful in my day to day, so I’ll keep updated adding new ones under my needs.
    • New repo puppet-manifestsĀ Ā : The same idea for the previous repository, but with some modules for puppet. There I upload some manifests I’ve that can be useful for very common environments. I added some submodules as well pointing to some puppet modules required in my manifests. I’ll keep updated adding more modules I’ve for puppet.
    • New script tweet-planet-reportsĀ : This is a small script I recently did for the Spanish sysadmin planet planetasysadmin.comĀ It’s a simple script to count the number of contributions done for each blog on the planet, and send to the twitter account. Useful for people who manages rss planets, and wants to know the activity made by the blogs. Things to do, I had though about if it’s included on the reportsĀ a performance comparison respect the last report executed for each blog. Maybe if I’ve time… :D:D
    • Improved script check_http_requests : I included the next information from the access log file generated by apache2 / nginx:
      Show top 10 of source IPs.
      Show top 10 of pages requested.
      Show percentage of success and bad responses.
      Show top 5 pages requested per source IP.
    • New Perl moduleĀ Redis-Interface-Client : This small module it’s just an interface for the existing Redis one, but I include some methods to work with data structures easier, and methods like replace, append or add that allows set a key under certain conditions, just check the documentation to know what does each one. In the future I would like to modify to work with more complex data structures like hash of hashes or array of arrays, I’ll see šŸ˜€

These has been my last updates on github, now I would like to share some useful readings I done, I found some of them investigating an issue and other ones just saw on twitter / rss:

  • Good read about the TIME_WAIT tcp state, how works and why you should thinkĀ before touch the sysctl parameter net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle. By the way a good blog to follow šŸ˜€


  • Good optimization guide for nginx:


  • Good explanation about the differences between kmod and akmod:


  • Good tutorials for people who is introducing to the Perl Catalyst framework:



Well I hope the infoĀ will beĀ useful for you and see you the next time with more interesting stuff!! šŸ˜›

Updates, scripts and other stuff
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