Galera arbitrator comes with the galera cluster and it’s a daemon to avoid an split brain situation for a mysql cluster typically configured with two nodes. An split brain in clustering is a situation where one node of a cluster is not
MySQL Multi Master replication with Galera
Galera is a synchronous multi-master cluster for MySQL/InnoDB databases. Some features and benefits of Galera are: Synchronous replication. Multi master topology. Read/Write to any cluster node. Automatic membership control. Data consistency between replica nodes. Read and write nodes scalability. Distributed
configuring MySQL Sandbox
In laboratory environments is very useful run two or more instances of MySQL for test new versions, configurations or test a master-slave replication using the same system, we can get this through MySQL Sandbox. MySQL Sandbox is a script written
Configuring an IMAP/POP Proxy with perdition and MySQL
Perdition is an IMAP/POP proxy written in C, and it offers map user connections to another mail servers where store the email inbox. The clients will connect to perdition server and this will distribute the connections to the corresponding server.
Configuring Nagios (Part I)
Nagios is a popular system monitor that offers monitoring and alerting servers, applications, services, network devices… It’s very modular and multiplatform, because the core of nagios is the processor of the output of the plugins that can be developed in
Over FTP we can validate users stored in a database with MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC or SQLite. In this post we’ll configure proftpd a ftp server running in a Debian squeeze that permit authentication with virtual users stored in a MySQL